Lawh Mahfuz, Psychedelics in Spiritualism

Lawh Mahfuz - psychedelics in spiritualism
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Lawh Mahfuz is specifically mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Buruj verse 22, which reads: Fi lauhim mahfuz. And it seems that in this surah alone, the word ‘Lawh Mahfuz’ is specifically mentioned.

In other surahs, the Book of Lawh Mahfuz is mentioned in a different form, such as: Mother of the Book (Ummu al-Kitab), Book that is Preserved (Kitabbim Maknuun), Clear Book (Kitabbim Mubiin).

In Islamic theology, Lawh Mahfuz is believed to be a “heavenly tablet” that contains information about everything that has happened and will happen in the universe, including the fate of all living creatures.

In a more modern view,Lawh Mahfuz is called the “universe server” referring to the view of some people who try to explain this concept in modern language – using analogies or metaphors – that are more easily understood by the general public. But however, ‘Lawh Mahfuz’ is certainly far more complex and meaningful than the term “universe server.”

Esoteric, mystical, and spiritual views of the West, such as Rosicrucianism that developed since the 17th century and still exist today, such as the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), Rosicrucian Fellowship, believe that for thousands of years, holy men, monks, or shamans have accessed ‘Lawh Mahfuz or the “universe server” to obtain information about the past or information about the future.

Before the term “universe server” emerged, Western mystics referred to ‘Lawh Mahfuz as the ‘Akashic Records.’

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Literally, Akashic Records means “sky records” (Akashic comes from the Sanskrit word ‘akasha,’ which means “sky”; Records mean “records”).

Akashic Records is a spiritual concept that comes from esoteric and metaphysical traditions. This concept refers to a cosmic library or universal archive that contains records of every event, action, thought, and event that occurs in the universe, both that has happened in the past, is happening in the present, and will happen in the future.

Today we know the term ‘Cloud,’ which is a centralized data storage medium that can be accessed. The term and workings of ‘Cloud’ in many ways seem to adopt the concept of ‘Akashic Records.’

In the imagination of the 21st century, the ‘universe server’ or ‘Akashic Records’ is a place where all living beings are connected to each other and to the universe through an energy network called the “Akasha Network.” So, this is exactly like the internet network.

Yes, when in the 20th century Allah introduced us to internet technology which was then used massively by the earth’s population in the 21st century, we can see this 21st century as a time when humans access and connect through 2 global networks.

My detailed discussion of the 2 global networks accessible to humans can be read in this article: Lawh Mahfuzh and the Internet, Two Global Networks Accessed by Humans.

In this article I also discuss the Noosphere concept presented by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. According to Teilhard, the noosphere is the covering of thoughts that surrounds the earth that emerges through and is based on the interaction of the human mind. The interaction then forms a global mind (mind planetization).